4 Reasons to Research Your Family History

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My husband isn’t thinking about genealogy. He tries hard– but if I rave it for more than a minute or more, his eyes glaze over. It seems that people are either very interested in genealogy, or not at all.

For those who are interested but who are not natural-born scientists who are likewise equipped with mad computer system skills, unlimited hours at their disposal to discover the techniques of the trade and $300 to spend on a subscription to Ancestry.com– and if no one in the household has done the work (or if they have, it’s in a dusty old folder and it’s difficult to find out, not to mention delight in)– why find someone to investigate your household history?

: To honor those who came in the past.
My ancestors were a mix of heroes and black sheep and common people. But I do not want any of their stories to be lost. The matriarchs and patriarchs, the children who passed away, and all those in the middle– they were genuine individuals, and their blood goes through my veins.

Second: To protect your family story for those who will follow.

Interest in genealogy appears to avoid a generation in some households. I sent out origins binders to nine of my cousins for Christmas a few years back. One cousin didn’t even acknowledge getting it– however I later heard that his daughter believed it was the very best thing ever. You simply never know.

4 Reasons to Research Your Family History

Third: To comprehend yourself much better.

Blood actually is thicker than water, and when you look at your household’s past, you might be shocked at what looks back at you. A few years ago I went to Sweden, and as I looked around, I recognized that the males all looked like my father! An image, a story, an unexpected discovery about an ancestor’s life, can make you feel like a part of something bigger than yourself.

4th: To bring household together through their shared history.
Some of my finest interactions with my cousins and aunties have actually been over genealogy. They may not all be intrigued in everybody or everything, however many of them are interested in someone or something!

If you’ve constantly wondered about your roots, then remember this: The longer you wait, as your grandparents, aunties and uncles, and moms and dads die (and their valuables are spread), the more of your history will fade into the mist. Learn what you can from those who are still alive. Look around your house or theirs and see what has made it through. And take that step– what do you need to lose?

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